Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Spy x Family Drawing

Whoops I keep forgetting to post…

Anyway here’s a drawing I did of Yor (I’m not quite sure what went wrong with her eyes πŸ˜‚) and Loid from the manga Spy x Family (which gets made into an anime this year)

Copyright © Jasmine’s Not-So-Secret Journal 2022

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Six Drawings

I felt like drawing the Queens of Six the musical, which is about the six wives of King Henry the VIII. It’s a really good musical and also the outfits are stunning which is why I’ve decided to draw them. From left to right the first photo has Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour and Anne of Cleves. The second photo has Catherine Howard and Katherine Parr.

Copyright © Jasmine’s Not-So-Secret Journal 2022

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Clay Goose

 Made a little goose out of clay. He has a knife. Peace was never an option.

Dragon Ball Cake

It was my boyfriend’s 18th the other day and for his party and I made him a cake based on the manga/anime Dragon Ball. It’s Black Forest flavoured, covered in chocolate buttercream and vanilla fondant, made to look like Goku’s gi, with cake pops made of rice krispie treats decorated to look like the dragon balls. I made a figure out of rice krispie treats and fondant that’s supposed to be the Pop! Funko version of Vegito, however a lot of things went wrong with it, so it didn’t end up going on the cake πŸ˜‚ 

Monday, 14 February 2022

Dragon Ball Drawing - Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s day everyone! I hope everyone has a good day, whether you’re in a relationship or not. And remember, love is love! So please be kind and respectful to everyone ☺️ 

My boyfriend is obsessed with Dragon Ball Z (and I’ve been reading the original Dragon Ball manga as well), so I drew him this on the app Sketches, it’s us but in the style of Dragon Ball. I based it off an image I found of Goku and Chi Chi riding Flying Nimbus. I printed it out and framed it for him πŸ’• 

Copyright © Jasmine’s Not-So-Secret Journal 2022

Repurposing School Uniform 2

Here are the before and after designs for my school’s winter dress which I’m going to turn into a suspender skirt. I haven’t even started on the dress yet so it will probably be a long time before I’m able to post the finished product. Also I will be posting multiple times today to make up for the fact that I’ve missed quite a few days when I told myself I’d post every day this month.

Copyright © Jasmine’s Not-So-Secret Journal 2022

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Posts Coming Soon

I told myself I’d post every day this month but now I’ve missed a couple days because I’ve been super busy. I will make up for it by posting more than once in a day for the next couple of days, so more posts coming soon!

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Mint Chocolate Bomb

made a mint and dark chocolate bomb and it was delicious! I made my own mint choc chip ice-cream, a chocolate cookie crumble, and a chocolate dome made out of a mix of milk and dark chocolate. It was garnished with mint leaves. I made a dark chocolate and mint syrup that, whilst hot, gets poured over the chocolate dome which then melts and splits apart to reveal the scoop of ice-cream underneath. I might post the recipe later (it’s a combination of different recipes plus some of my own flair)

Juniper Shadowillow

Here is a sort of mood board I drew a while ago for my old DnD character, Juniper Shadowillow. I drew this about a year ago, and only just found it now, funny enough, I have now dyed my hair exactly like Juniper’s in the design - black to red ombrΓ©.

Copyright © Jasmine’s Not-So-Secret Journal 2022

Monday, 7 February 2022

Blue Latte

Today I went to Jamaica Blue (a coffee shop) to try their ‘Blue Latte’ which is literally blue. I’m not completely sure how I feel about it. It just tastes like sweet milk. I didn’t hate it but I wouldn’t get it again. The main reason I got it is because it reminds me of Percy Jackson and how Percy and his mum have a joke about blue food (if you know, you know). That’s all. Here’s a photo (it looks kind of photoshopped but I assure you it is not πŸ˜‚):

Repurposing School Uniform

Upon graduating, I decided I’d like to turn one of each of my school dresses (there’s a winter dress and a summer dress) into a fashion piece that I can wear. It’s mostly for fun, but hopefully I’ll end up with some cute clothes afterwards. Here is the before and after design of the summer dress, I’ll post pictures of the finished piece later.

Copyright © Jasmine’s Not-So-Secret Journal 2022

Sunday, 6 February 2022

KuroKen Drawing

Drew a picture on the app, sketches, of Haikyu!! (an anime/manga) characters; Kenma is playing his Nintendo Switch while Kuroo snores away in the background πŸ˜‚ Also, sort of unrelated, but for Halloween last year as well as when attending a Perth anime convention called Kaicon (Kaiga Convention), I cosplayed as Kenma Kozume (the blonde one playing the switch in the drawing). I have very long hair so it was a bit of a challenge fitting it all into a short wig, but I managed. 

Copyright © Jasmine’s Not-So-Secret Journal 2022

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Bear Handbag Design

Copyright © Jasmine’s Not-So-Secret Journal 2022

Here is a before and after design of a teddy bear handbag I making/revamping. I’ll post pictures of it when it’s finished. Also, I discovered this petition to bring Hot Topic to Australia.

I love Hot Topic and went there many times when I last visited America (long before the pandemic 😒) and unfortunately there’s nothing that I know of like it in Australia, or at least not in Perth there isn’t. For those who don’t know, a Hot Topic sells emo/goth/grunge/punk clothes and accessories as well as band merch and anime merch. They also have harry potter stuff last time I checked. They do have an online store but the postage to Australia is ridiculous. So if you’re interested, please sign this petition (disclaimer; this is not my petition, this is one I found accidentally)

Friday, 4 February 2022

Trying to Find a Book

Not sure if anyone will see this, but I’ve been looking for this fiction book I used to read as a kid. I can’t remember what the title or the author was or even if it was a standalone novel or a series. I hardly remember the plot, I only remember a few random details: There was a character named Olivia who changed the colour of her hair a lot and tried to peel an apple in one go without breaking the peel and there was another character called Gabriel who had pet gerbils, and there was something about a pet cafe. Also I think it was a combination of the modern world setting and a medieval ‘kingdoms’ type setting. There was magic in it too, I remember one of the characters was a shape-shifter. As you can see it’s very hard to find the book when those are the only details I can remember, especially since those aren’t even part of the key plot πŸ˜‚ 

If you have ever read a book like this, please let me know in the comments, thank you, that is all.

Elemental Fashion

I drew four outfit designs based on the four elements; fire, water, earth and air. 

Copyright © Jasmine’s Not-So-Secret Journal 2022

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Piglet Handbag

I was bored the other day so I decided to turn a Piglet (from Whinnie the pooh) pencil case (no idea where it came from, I found it amongst my stationery) into a handbag. I used some faux pink leather fabric that I had left over from another project (from a Shein skirt I bought specifically for fabric, not to wear), two key rings (found in my craft drawer) and some chain (also left over from a project - from Spotlight). It doesn’t fit much, maybe some cards or a few coins and a lipgloss, I don’t even think my phone fits, but it’s super cute. Here is the result. Also on a different note, I plan to post something every day this month, hopefully I remember πŸ˜‚ 

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Candy Cake


For my own birthday last year I made myself a cake. The colour theme was pastels and I wanted many different kinds of candy shooting out the top. There were doughnuts, lollipops, musk sticks, sherbet cones, marshmallow sticks, macarons, oreos, strawberry pocky, fairy floss, sprinkles, jelly beans and sour patch kids. The cake was red velvet flavoured and was three layers separated by cream cheese frosting. The centre was also filled with malteasers, jelly beans, crushed oreos and sprinkles. I originally wanted the cake to be covered in pastel pink fondant, but I couldn’t get the right colour pink so I ended up covering it in hot pink buttercream and then black fondant and I loved it!

Welcome to 2022

Happy new year! (yes I’m a bit late). Wow I haven’t posted in a very long time, I’m hoping this year I will remember to post a lot more often. Additionally I have a lot (a lot!) of projects from last year that I’ve been meaning to post but never got around to, so I will be posting those sometime soon. At the moment I’m making a custom doll, which I’ll post when I’m done. I’m also writing a full length novel, which I won’t post on here, but I will post the blurb on here once it’s finished, and hopefully maybe possibly get it published. That’s all for this post, and if you are one of the few people who will actually see this, I hope you have a lovely day!